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Being Vulnerable Through My Art

With a new mixed exhibition coming soon, I thought it would be a good time to talk a little about my
painting, share what inspires me and also reflect on how the theme, ‘Exposed Vulnerability’, mirrors
my own insecurities.
My paintings are still works in progress and I’m very much learning as I go. So many people have
been extraordinarily generous with their time, knowledge and opinions, pushing me along my path
as an artist. Colours feature strongly in my artwork as I see the world through a spectrum that may
or may not be real. But that’s the fun of creating. I’ve been told I’m brave with colour, which makes
me smile as I don’t think of myself as particularly brave with anything at all!! I’ll take that
compliment! Since retiring, I’ve had much more time and space to create and now consider painting
my favourite pastime.
Mainly I love painting anything that involves water, having grown up near the beautiful beach of
Long Island, NY. The salty air is in my hair, my face and my hands, even though it’s been many years
since I’ve returned to my hometown. Seascapes and water feature heavily in many of my pieces but
for my latest exhibition, I’ve chosen my other passion – my garden. The theme is Exposed
Vulnerability, and what could be more vulnerable than showing new work that’s not my usual style.
Flowers amaze me as they are really tough, but also intensely fragile, vulnerable and beautiful.
Painting the flowers in an abstract style, free from being a botanist and without any personal
expectations, was new for me, and it felt good. My friend, who shares my passion for gardening,
explained: “A garden exists in more than just 3D: height, width and depth. You must allow for time
–the 4th dimension.”
For me, the smoothing hand of time helps the garden grow and allows my paintings to mature with
each layer of paint.
Five of my pieces will be on show alongside the work of seven other local artists at the Grade II listed
Egerton Place on Church Hill, Knutsford during the town’s Christmas market weekend. The exhibition
will be open from 11am until 7pm on Saturday 3 December and from 10am to 4pm on Sunday 4
December. Please do come down and say hi. It’s right around the corner from the Lost & Found pub.
For more information on the exhibition, contact Louise Crawford on

Scroll down to see close ups of two of the paintings on show.


Leo’s Ladder
Leo finds a ladder. He would really like to keep it but decides the right thing to do is search for its rightful owner. Read about Leo’s adventure, a story about honesty, friendship and community.


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